The Club has four mechanisms to communicate with members (refer to club by-laws for detailed policies and procedures)

The Facebook group

The Facebook group is administered and moderated by Bernadette Drummond, James Constable and Greg Coventry.

Its purpose allows for social interaction by club members with each other around a holden theme.  Comments, photos, stories and interaction is not officially moderated or approved by the club.

Only club members and their partners have access to this group.

The 6080HoldenClub@Gmail account

Used to issues bulk emails to general members.  Also used in a number of direct contacts.  Email account is managed by James Constable.

The website.

Administered by James Constable and Greg Coventry.  Contact is via the email

Logon’s are for Club Members only.  Audited in September each year.

Is used to provide Static information in the form of:

  • content to members,
  • a repository of newsletters
  • photographs of Club runs and cars
  • Information to entice new members
  • Club Policies
  • Club Memorabilia


Our Car Club Database

All members details are now recorded centrally, in an online database located at  The database is used for  communication to members via email of upcoming runs and any other notification, including the newsletters.  It records the membership renewal payments, issues receipts.  Records those members who have red plate vehicles.  Attendance to runs. Records Management Committee position holders. The Management Committee keep the database up to date.